ACNB Bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ACNB Corporation, a $2.7 billion independent financial holding company headquartered in Gettysburg, PA. Originally founded in 1857, ACNB Bank serves its marketplace with banking and wealth management services, including trust and retail brokerage, via a network of 20 community banking offices located in the four southcentral Pennsylvania counties of Adams, Cumberland, Franklin and York, as well as loan offices in Lancaster and York, and Hunt Valley, Maryland. As divisions of ACNB Bank operating in Maryland, FCB Bank and NWSB Bank serve the local marketplace with a network of five and six community banking offices located in Frederick County and Carroll County, Maryland, respectively. Affiliated with ACNB Bank is Russell Insurance Group, Inc. of Westminster, Maryland, a full-service insurance agency with licenses in 44 states and the other wholly-owned subsidiary of ACNB Corporation. For more information regarding ACNB Bank, please visit
ACNB Bank is very much at the heart of community life in its marketplace, supporting those community organizations and programs that make the markets served desirable places to live and work. The bank has been a proud supporter and neighbor of HACC’s Gettysburg Campus for many years. ACNB Bank believes in giving deserving students an opportunity to excel and achieve their goals by earning a higher education degree from HACC. Through the creation of the ACNB Bank Scholarship, the bank provides financial assistance to those selected students from the Gettysburg campus meeting the award eligibility criteria.