Kirsten Sybil Schofield
Kirsten Sybil Schofield graduated from Westbrook High School. She later earned a degree in rehabilitation from Pennsylvania State University. Kirsten was born with cerebral palsy, which challenged her coordination and thought patterns. This experience deeply impacted her life, and Kirsten went on to work for United Cerebral Palsy in Hanover.
Tragically, Kirsten was involved in a motor vehicle accident that caused brain trauma and made it impossible for her to continue working. However, through the assistance of vocational rehabilitation and United Cerebral Palsy, Kristen was able to participate in an adult day program called Alternatives.
Kirsten passed away in July 2003 after suffering aspiration pneumonia due to her cerebral palsy. A scholarship benefiting aspiring nurses is endowed in Kristen’s memory. Because of the extraordinary care and encouragement she received from nurses, Kristen learned to manage her disabilities and challenges resulting from cerebral palsy and brain trauma.