All Opportunities
The spring 2025 scholarship application cycle is now open. The spring 2025 scholarship application cycle will close on Oct. 15, 2024.
• Please check your HAWKmail email often. All scholarship communication is through HAWKmail. Please be sure to check your spam folder on a regular basis.
• You must complete a FAFSA to apply.
• You MUST be registered by the deadline for the upcoming semester to be considered for awarding. Please register when registration opens.
• Please review the scholarship timeline and FAQ. They can be found at
• During the scholarship cycle, the myHACC portal may reflect scholarship information. This information is letting you know you are being reviewed for possible awarding. You will only need to take action if you receive a scholarship offer in your HAWKmail.
Please read the definitions of “remote instruction” and “virtual learning”: Register Online Guide. Incorrect information can negatively impact scholarship awarding.
Award | Name | Actions |
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Daisy M. Bitner Trust Award
This scholarship was established on behalf of Daisy Bitner Trust to...
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Dauphin County Medical Society Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Dauphin County Medical Society...
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David W. Barratt Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was created by the family of HACC photography student...
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DDMP Investment Advisors Scholarship
This scholarship was established by DDMP Investment Advisors, LLC, to...
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Dean Charles R. Peguese Library Student Assistance Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Library and Information...
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Debbi K. Miller Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
The HACC Foundation shall give consideration to students meeting the...
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Dennis Dvorchak Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Murray Insurance Associates (now...
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Dental Hygiene Scholarship
This scholarship was established by private donors to provide financial...
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Diane D. and John S. Bittle Scholarship
This award was established by Diane and John Bittle to provide financial...
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Donald "Cy" Miller Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Gloria June Miller, family and...
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Donald and Shirley Freedman Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Donald B. Freedman and Mrs....
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Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation Engineering Scholarship
The scholarship was established by the Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler...
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Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation Scholarship
The scholarship was established by the Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler...
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Douglas W. Pollock Foundation Award Fund
The scholarship was established by the Douglas W. Pollock Foundation to...
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Dr. E. Michael Fox Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the doctors and staff of Periodontal...
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Dr. Frank W. Jackson Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Frank W. Jackson, MD, to provide...
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Dr. Malcolm B. Baird Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Beverlee Baird and family members to...
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Dr. Michael B. Klunk Scholarship Endowment
This award was established with proceeds from the retirement event...
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Dr. William Anderson, III Respiratory Therapist Award
This award was established to provide financial assistance to students...
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Dual Enrollment Scholarship
The HACC Foundation shall give consideration to students meeting the...
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Eastern PCM Morgan Bebbino Scholarship
The HACC Foundation shall give consideration to students meeting the...
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Edward J. Pushnik Business Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Edward J. Pushnik to provide...
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Edward R. Norford Craftsman Scholarship
This scholarship was created by the Edward R. Norford Charitable...
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Elsner Engineering Works Family Scholarship
This scholarship was created by Elsner Engineering Works, Inc. to...
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Enders Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established by members of the Enders family to...
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Ernest P. Davis Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Ernest P. Davis, HACC Foundation...
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Esther G. Little Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Esther G. Little to provide...
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Florence and Harold Yates McCormick Library Scholarship
This award was established by Florence and Harold Yates to provide...
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Flowers Family Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Michelle Bryce and Stephen Drachler...
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Foundation Blue Scholarship
This scholarship provides financial assistance to a student enrolled at...
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Francis B. Haas Jr. Scholarship
This scholarship was established by McNees, Wallace and Nurick in honor...
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Frank J. O'Connell Memorial Scholarship
The HACC Foundation shall give consideration to students meeting the...
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Fred M. and Anne G. Leader Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Anne G. Leader in honor and in...
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Fulton Bank Scholarship Endowment
This scholarship was established by Fulton Bank, N.A. to provide support...
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Geary D. Kauffman Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was created by the estate of Geary D. Kauffman to...
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George C. and Madeline C. Bartley Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the estate of George C. Bartley to...
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Gettysburg Area High School Class of 1950 Ruth Mundis McClelland/Colonel Jacob Sheads Scholarship
This scholarship is established by the Gettysburg Area High School Class...
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Gettysburg Campus Business Scholarship
The HACC Foundation shall give consideration to students meeting the...
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Gettysburg Campus Opportunity and Access Scholarship
This endowment was established by the HACC Foundation to provide...
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Gettysburg Hospital Faith Redding Memorial Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Gettysburg Hospital to provide...
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GIANT Company Inclusion and Diversity Scholarship
The HACC Foundation shall give consideration to students meeting the...
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Graham Foundation Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was created to support HACC students enrolled in credit...
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Grandon Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established by James E. Grandon, Jr. and Jean...
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Guy J. and Helen Y. Swope Leadership Award
The HACC Foundation shall give consideration to students meeting the...
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HACC Allies LGBT Community Service Award
This award was established by the HACC Allies Club to provide financial...
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HACC Alumni Association Blocker and Overholt Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the HACC Alumni Association in honor...
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HACC Foundation Veterans Scholarship Fund
This scholarship supports former or current U.S. military members.
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HACC Gettysburg Campus Phi Theta Kappa Award
Opportunity for members of HACC’s Gettysburg Campus chapter of Phi Theta...
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HACC Honors Program Scholarship Fund
The HACC Foundation shall give consideration to students meeting the...
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HACC Lancaster Chemistry & Physics Scholarship
The HACC Foundation shall give consideration to students meeting the...
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